At the end of last year, the Backpack Team was unable to reach their goal for the year of $12,000 or 1,000 backpacks with school supplies. Instead, we were able to raise $8,292 to bless 691 kids. Don’t get me wrong, this is still incredible; however, for most of the driven students in our Backpack Team, it wasn’t enough.

During our last bimonthly Initiative Get-Together in 2018, we began to cast the vision for what we thought 2019 should look like. Thinking sensibly, I told our team that since we were unable to reach our goal, we should keep it at about the same for this next year and work hard to reach it. They did not like this! The Backpack Team was empowered to do something more! This meant Increasing our goal to 1,500 backpacks for a total of $18,000! Doing so would truly require faith!

Luke 1:37 (ESV)

“For nothing will be impossible with God.”

With this newfound goal, the backpack team is stepping out in faith knowing NOTHING is impossible with God! The team is excited to not only fund these backpacks and school supplies but to go into the community and give them to kids in need! In order to do this, we are planning different fundraisers including presentations, yard sales, and SO much more. I am excited to see how God uses the Backpack Team for greatness in His kingdom!

~ Ethan Goldsmith