Hello Everyone and welcome to our Costa Rica team BLOG!


For those of you who do not already know, a team of 24 amazing individuals are leaving for Costa Rica tomorrow for an 11 day mission trip!!  Our team has been working, planning, meeting, and praying for this trip since June of this year and we are so excited because the time has finally come!


Tomorrow morning at 4 am, our team of 24 will be headed down to the Fresno International Airport to catch our flight to Dallas, and then get on our last flight to San Jose, Costa Rica. We will then all hop on a big bus tomorrow night and make the 4-hour drive to the city of Boca de Arenal. The next 9 days after that, we will be passing out flyers in the communities we are serving in, teaching a 3 Day VBS at 2 different churches, building memories with our team, and doing some fun activities so we can see the beautiful scenery of Costa Rica.


Our team is going to be busy and working hard the whole time we are there and we couldn’t be more excited. We know that the memories we will make on this trip will be priceless and are going to last a lifetime. God is going to do big things in the hearts and lives of our team and teach us valuable lessons that put our reality into perspective. We all are looking forward to being a blessing to those we meet and serve, but we know that THEY will be a blessing to US. This trip will be life-altering in more ways than one and we are all SO ready.


As we serve in Costa Rica, we would greatly appreciate your prayers! For those of you who have supported our team in a financial way or have already been praying for us, THANK YOU! We wouldn’t be able to do this without you!


We will be keeping this blog updated daily on our adventures in Costa Rica and sharing with all of you the incredible things we will be learning and doing during our time there, so make sure to check back in for the next 11 days!  You will get to hear from every person on our team, ages 18 and younger, on the blog this next week, so you definitely will not want to miss it!


Thank you for praying.  We can’t wait to share stories with all of you when we get back!


~ Kaitlin


Matthew 28:19-20

“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”