The Christmas season is a time of excitement, joy, and celebration! Yet often, we allow stress to change the way we view and experience the holidays.
We let this stress and chaos get the upper hand, and they can often keep us from fully soaking in the joy of the holiday season. Christmas time is one of the most exciting times of the year, because of the reason for the holiday’s existence: Jesus!
Though it may sound cliché, He is the reason for the season! When December rolls around and the holiday induced panic kicks in, we have to remind ourselves that the season doesn’t revolve around presents or Christmas cookies, though those things are wonderful.
When we refocus the season around Him, it puts everything else into perspective. The amount of people crammed into our houses seems less intimidating. The amount of things we buy seems more trivial. The chaos seems less overwhelming. Because in the end, it doesn’t matter how we celebrate. All that matters is that we celebrate.
This probably isn’t this first time you’ve heard this this year, but don’t let the craziness bring you down during the last days of this holiday season. Let’s keep our eyes focused on what really matters- the birth of our Savior.
So if you don’t receive the gift you’ve hoped for or haven’t made as many Christmas cookies as you would’ve liked, remind yourself that it’s okay. Together let’s focus on God and the wonderful gift given to us, keeping the season in perspective and enjoying it in its fullest!